The Purple Spring of Lenten Season
In the Christian calendar, there is a season that lasts for 40 days leading to Easter, this is called Lent. But, what exactly is lent? It is where Catholics reflect on their actions and prepare for Easter or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This time is mainly used for prayer, fasting, giving, and repenting to focus on God and be grateful for all he has done for us. Lenten season lasts for forty days starting from Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday or sometimes Maundy Thursday. This season is a meaningful event for Catholics, but with the rise of COVID-19, the way we commemorate it has changed.
Before the pandemic, the Lenten season or Semana Santa in the Philippines was commemorated extensively. You would see numerous Catholics attending masses and prusisyons or a parade of saints. Due to the prohibition of mass gatherings, we can do these things we did in the old normal. But since Religion is a significant part of the Filipinos' lives, they found ways to commemorate the event. Church capacities are limited, so citizens opt for digital options. Families can attend masses through online platforms and still reflect or fast in their own homes. In religion, there is no specific way to worship and repent. Our relationship with God and how we thank him is up to us. The season of lent is a meaningful part of our religion because it helps us recall the sufferings of the Lord to provide us with his blessings. It is a period where we can strengthen our relationship with God, ourselves, and our fellow citizens.
Nothing should stop us from commemorating important events, whether it may be with people or by ourselves, we shouldn't forget the things we are grateful for. The Lenten season is a time for us to connect with God and ourselves. It teaches us the essence of gratefulness, reflection, and charity, all of these we need to become faithful followers of God. Let us remember that the purple of Lent signifies mourning and royalty so that we can come to realize the true purpose of the season.
BBC UK: "Lent". Uploaded on June 6, 2009. Retrieved on March 4, 2022.
iStock: Retrieved on March 4, 2022.
Our Lady Of Mercy: "Make the Lenten Mission, A Means of Renewal and Conversion". Retrieved on March 4, 2022.
Rappler: "IN PHOTOS: Ash Wednesday 2022, ‘an interior battle of the heart’". Uploaded on March 2, 2022. Retrieved on March 4, 2022.
Good Day, Aubrey! Indeed Lenten season is a very important season for us Catholics. Outstanding article! Good Job!