Fathers Also Deserve Flowers
June 19, 1972, nearly six decades after Mother's Day became an official holiday in the USA, the day for our fathers finally became official as well. The process of making the occasion official wasn't as smooth-sailing as its female counterpart. Citizens saw it first as "an attempt to domesticate manliness with flowers and gift-giving," and some said it is not as marketable as Mother's Day because fathers do not have the same appeal. This controversy lead people to rally to merge the two holidays and call it "Parents' Day." And when WW2 began, Father's Day was seen more as a way to honor the efforts of the American troops. Then finally, in 1972, Richard Nixon, the 37th U.S. president, proclaimed Father's Day as a federal holiday. Since then, the holiday is celebrated every third week of June.
So, why is celebrating Father's Day significant? Fathers are seen as the "haligi ng tahanan" in the Philippines, meaning they are expected to be strong protectors and reliable providers. As stated earlier, fathers are said to have less sentimental value because it may seem that they don't want to receive flowers or other delicate gifts. But I believe that Fathers or any male in the world is never "too manly" to receive a bouquet of flowers because all of us, regardless of our gender, should be able to appreciate the "feminine" things in life. Father's Day gives us a chance to spoil our fathers the way they did with us and prove that they too have sentimental value.
We should treat our parents with an equal amount of love and care because they worked together to bring us into this world and have raised us into the way we are now. So even if it is only for one day, let us allow our fathers to lean on us the way we do with them. Above all, he is the one man that we call "tatay."
History: "Father's Day 2022". Retrieved on June 15, 2022.
NextShark: Retrieved on June 15, 2022. https://bit.ly/3mMFbJl
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